Dear Members and pupils in chambers
We refer to the above matter.
Kindly be informed that the 38th Annual General Meeting 2024 (AGM) of the Perak State Bar will be held on 16th day of February 2024 at 3.00 pm at the Perak Malayalee Association, No. 12A, First Floor, Medan Istana, Bandar Ipoh Raya, 30000 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan.
We enclose herewith a copy of the Notice of the Annual General Meeting 2024 for your attention.
Thank you.
Perak Bar Committee
- To confirm and adopt the minutes of the Perak Bar Annual General Meeting held on 17.02.2023.
- Matters arising from the above minutes.
- To consider and to adopt the Annual Report 2023/2024.
- To consider and to pass the Accounts for the period 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023.
- To elect the Chairman of the Perak Bar Committee for the year 2024/2025.
- To elect not less than four (4) but not more than ten (10) members of the Perak Bar Committee for 2024/2025.
- To elect one Member to represent the Perak Bar to the Bar Council for the year 2024/2025.
- To appoint two Honorary Auditors
- General.
- Members are kindly requested to make every effort to attend punctually to ensure quorum for the Meeting (AGM). Kindly take note
that this notice is given to members pursuant to section 70(2B) of the Legal Profession Act 1976 (LPA) that in the event quoram is not
reached within (1) hour from the time appointed for the meeting, then the AGM shall be adjourned to 4.30pm on the same day and at
the same place. - Registration Counter will be opened from 2.30 p.m. onwards and light refreshments will be served after conclusion of the AGM.
3. Only members of the Perak Bar shall be entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting. Pupils may attend as observers but shall not be
entitled to vote.
4. At the Meeting every member present shall have one vote and where there is an equality of votes, the presiding member shall
have a casting vote.
5. Members are to take note that under section 70(2C) of the LPA, if any Member of the Perak State Bar desires to propose any
motion to be considered at the said AGM, the Member shall, “not less than seven days before the date first appointed for holding
the meeting, serve on the Secretary of the Perak State Bar a notice of such motion in writing”.
6. Under the Continuing Professional Development “(CPD”) Scheme, you will earn one CPD point for attending the AGM.
Download AGM NOTICE 23 here